A Historic Railroad Town

Tax Facts

Property Tax Information

Ad Valorem taxation of property O.C.G.A. 48-5-350:

Every municipality may levy and collect municipal taxes upon all taxable property within the incorporated city limits. For your convenience the City of Pembroke contracts with the Bryan County Tax Commissioner to assess and collect municipal ad valorem taxes. This service allows the taxpayer to pay both their county and city taxes at one location. Any tax inquiries can be answered at one time since the records are all housed in one office and administered by trained staff. You may contact them on the Bryan County web site.

Once paid by the taxpayer, the Tax Commissioner remits any funds due and payable to the City to support the General Budget. The collections assessed for Pembroke’s ad valorem taxes support on average only 20% of the total General Budget. Pembroke’s 2021 millage rate is 10.00. To estimate what your city taxes would be if you live in the incorporated limits of the city and have no exemptions, see the tax calculation below.

Tax Calculation

To determine the amount of your property taxes, several values are needed. These values are the Fair Market Value (FMV), Assessed Value (ASV), and the Millage Rate. The Millage rate is determined by the proposed budget divided by the tax digest. The Millage Rate is defined as dollars per $1,000.00 of assessed value.

Fair Market Value (F.M.V.) X 40%=Assessed Value
Assessed Value X Millage Rate = Tax
Tax digest = Total of all Assessments
Millage Rate = Proposed Budget Tax digest
Millage is usually expressed as dollars per $1,000.00 of Assessed Value

Example: Fair Market Value assessed on your home= $100,000.00
The 40% taxable value would equal: $40,000.00

Take the 40% value and multiply it by the millage rate of 10.00 would equal property tax bill of $400.00 for that year.

This $400.00 helps provide financial support for the following services:
Public Safety, Fire, Police, Recreation, Administration, Street Maintenance and Streetlights, Code Enforcement, Planning and Zoning and Downtown Development to name a few.

The Mayor and City Council strive to utilize the citizen’s tax dollars to their fullest value while meeting the needs of a growing community and demanding state mandates.